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Thriving not Just Surviving June 2023 Astrology

Welcome back, thank you for being here! June will be a month jam packed with love, emotional challenges to grow and maybe even a little change in perspective. We are all on our own journey and each manifestation of the transits will differ depending on your personal placements. These are general updates, so take what resonates and leave what doesn't! Enjoy!

6.3 Full Moon in Sagittarius

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius! Full moon brings about emotional shifts and this Sagittarius moon will be no different. Like any fire sign, expect passion but with pose. Sagittarius likes to honor their composure. This influence will push us to find what philosophies and beliefs make us feel at home. Life has to have meaning otherwise we’ll be in constant search of just that. Sagittarius is also very rebellious so when they choose to do or believe something, it has to be all on their own. Expressing our feelings may present unusual resistance and we’re prone to creating/committing to more responsibilities than we should. How we feel and our emotions are influenced by the exact opposite energy that is influencing our sense of identity and expression. We can butt heads with people close to us but also face major breakthroughs. As we move through this Gemini Sagittarius axis, it's important to note that this energy can be confrontational at home and deceptive publicly. This is great energy for an adventure or a road trip!

6.5 Venus enters Leo

Venus is in Leo from June 5 to October 8 initially transitioning through the 12th house. This transition is longer than usual due to an upcoming RX. Venus is in Leo being dramatic, if I’m honest. Jumping right in, lies and deceit is likely with this 12th house energy and square to Jupiter. How this manifests obviously depends on the individual. Leo loves to be the star of the show. Sometimes, it’s in the comfort of privacy via social circles or the internet. Venus in Leo will be charming but due to the 12th house initially socially withdrawn. This energy breeds temptation to entertain lustful interests, solely for entertainment and attention. If you’re single, this is great energy to mingle with other SINGLES. If you’re in union, this is an ideal time to rekindle “cupcake phase passion”.

Week One

Week one of June is fiery but passionate. Given respect, like any other element, no harm will be done. There is a joyous undertone for those who have gone the distance to work on themselves. This week will inspire decisiveness towards the unpredictable. We are willing and ready no matter what the future holds, we believe there's something greater. This is the perfect energy to end a cycle or start a new one. We are still in Gemini Season, a mutable air sign that flows through duality. Always expect the unexpected.

6.11 Mercury enters Gemini & Pluto RX returns to Capricorn

Mercury in Gemini will be a double edged sword if we allow it. We can be very playful in communication but potentially at the expense of others. We’re curious though and given the space, we’re ready to learn something new. Mercury in Gemini may make those with fixed moon signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) a little moody.

Pluto Rx is back in Capricorn. Results in transformation may seem hard to obtain here as Capricorn can be restrictive of Pluto. The Retrograde and square to Jupiter can emphasize the impact our subconscious minds have on our reality; in turn, highlighting our self limiting beliefs. Our minds may be sharper here. We can also come off detached so just make sure to find a nice balance. Spending some time alone may just do the trick!

6.17 Saturn RX in Pisces

Saturn will be retrograde for the new four and half months, from June 17th to November 4th. Saturn is our disciplinary planet. Here in Pisces it's going to get a little uncomfortable. We may find our needs contradict our desires. Pisces is in a daydream and we may find ourselves struggling to expand past our own emotional and subconscious restraints. It’ll end well, it just may not initially feel that way. Especially for Earth and Air signs, who are more prone to detach. We can find ourselves determined to go nowhere in this energy so be mindful of what you commit to. The problems you take on should only be your own. This energy can make it easy to say yes, I’ll help, when you really mean, No. I don't have a reason, just no. Don’t!

Week Two

Week two of June really makes us check in with ourselves. What do I feel mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually? What am I going to do about it? Some of us won't get it right away and that’s okay. This is a journey, not a race. And by wont get it, I mean, some of us are still trying to escape our own mental prisons and will need more “time”.

6.18 New Moon in Gemini

Happy New Moon in Gemini! This New moon will usher in the need for change and adventure, mentally or physically. We feel safest amongst this energy when we can share our emotions vulnerably and feel heard. This New Moon wants us to take an overdue look at outdated methods of communication. As we close out the cycle we began with the Taurus New Moon, Gemini encourages us to revise or reform. Passion is high with Mars and Venus in Leo. We will be challenged to grow in ways that put more integrity in our word to the things we say we’ll do. Gemini has a restless energy and a vivid imagination. Ask questions when confused, this is not a good time to assume. This New Moon can usher in clarity.

6.19 Jupiter sextile Saturn

This aspect makes for great luck or Divine fortune! It gives us the opportunity to get 10 steps ahead by slowing down and allowing things to fully develop. Jupiter in Pisces and Saturn in Taurus gives us the leverage to bridge the gap between what's happening in this realm and what's happening in the spirit realm. It allows an opportunity to reconnect energetically and in finding creative ways to make it stick.

6.21 Cancer Season | Summer Solstice

It's Cancer Season; Happy Solar Return Cancer. The sun will be in Cancer until July 22nd. Though the sun is influenced by Cancer, Cancer is directly ruled by the moon, keeping us attuned. Cancer season will influence us to make a real effort in connecting with our home environment and maternal figures. For some, this will look like a mentor or a motherly friend. Our interest is peaked by the things that make us feel at home. Putting off a pet project? Been meaning to learn something new? Cancer is protective and nurturing. But security is essential for emotional stability. It’s easy to tap into our emotions and feelings in Cancer. The negative quality to Cancer is that we can find ourselves dependent in situations we can otherwise handle ourselves. Now is a wise time to get attune with how we’d like to be nurtured and what makes us feel secure.

6.26 Mercury enters Cancers

Mercury moves into Cancer from June 26th - July 11th. While Mercury is in Cancer, objectivity and intellectual conversation will be the least of our interest. Communication will have an instinctive and emotional impact. As our emotions also heavily influence our thoughts, it’d be wise to note emotional motives are likely in reactions and impulse. Mercury in Cancer may not be “constructive” in the traditional sense but it sure is insightful. Telepathic synchronization is also highly likely and our memory improves. The energy is sensitive here so speak intentionally because it’ll likely resurface later.

6.30 Neptune RX in Pisces

Neptune will be retrograde from June 30th until December 6th. As we initially shift into this energy, it’s likely something we didn't expect to disappoint will let us down. Especially as we are increasingly receptive during this period. We’re inclined to explore ourselves and new interests. So any setbacks are divine comebacks.

June will be a month full of life starting at home. As things heat up outside don't be surprised if it inspires the fire inside of you too! Happy June! Until Next Time, Kam 🦋

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